Neil Barber
Neil Barber has been interviewing veterans and studying the actions of the 6thAirborne Division in Normandy for almost 30 years. In that time, he has written two definitive books, worked as an advisor on both TV films and documentaries and as a proof reader for other authors writing about the Division. He is a Committee Member of the 9thParachute Battalion Reunion Club and a former member of the Merville Battery Museum Committee.
Neil’s major publications include his latest book ‘Pegasus Bridge’ and ‘The Pegasus and Orne Bridges’ (Their Capture, Defence and Relief on D-Day) and ‘The Day the Devils Dropped In’ (The 9th Parachute Battalion in Normandy – D-Day to D+6 – The Merville Battery to the Chateau St Come). Each took five years of research and are therefore detailed accounts of the events, related in the words of the men who were actually there. Every avenue of information has been followed, be it the interviewing of survivors, locating testimony by those who have passed away (both audio and written), walking the battlefields, plus analysis of photographic and film evidence. Consequently, the books go into their subjects in unprecedented detail and are unique in their ability to put the reader ‘on the ground’ with the men themselves

John Redfern
Major John Redfern has had a lifelong interest in WW1/WW2 Military History. From an early age he was fascinated to hear stories of the Great War from his grandfather “Pop” Davies and later on from his mother, Jean, relating her Normandy veteran experiences in August 1944 to the end of the war.
John joined the Territorial Army in October 1978, was Commissioned at Sandhurst in 1980 and went on to serve in the British Army in an Infantry Regiment with subsequent service in many Brigade headquarters, the 1st British Corps, the ARC and the RAF as a Ground Liaison Officer. His military service totalled 43 years as a Regular, Territorial and mobilised Reservist.
As a specialist area of interest, John has set up Army Group 1944 Battlefield Tours Ltd to enable his passion for preserving the memories and experiences of the British Army in Normandy from the coup de main assault on to Pegasus Bridge, the Operational Breakout battles to force the Germans out of France at Falaise to the 43 Divisional Assault River crossing at Vernon in August 1944.
“I have often thought (as have many others) that the significant British efforts to breakout in Normandy have been frequently brushed over in favour of the significant American breakout (Operation COBRA) at Avranches. Yes, it was a combined allied effort but the British took the brunt of the German effort to “fix” the invasion on the Eastern flank around Caen to enable this breakout to occur. Controversy abounds still to this day and on these tours we will be able to discuss the merits or not of the various arguments and most importantly remember the sacrifice made by our forebears to achieve victory in Europe”.